Monday, November 26, 2012

A Touch of Reassurance From Heaven

Sunday morning, at 7:05 a.m., my uncle passed away after a tough battle with cancer.  I knew his condition was critical but didn't realize it was so close to his last breath.  Around the same time Sunday morning, as he was going home to Jesus, I was on my deck taking pics of the beautiful sunrise.  I came back inside after my morning talk with God and capturing some of His beauty and began to load the photos on my laptop.  A few moments later my aunt called to tell me he had passed away.  As I began to view the photos, the second one I came to, just sort of sent chills over me.  It was a beautiful, pink toned, "A" in the sky.  My uncle's last name is Adams.  When I was taking the pics I didn't notice the "A" in the sky.  So, needless to say, it was such a sweet moment to see this had appeared at the same time he was seeing our precious Jesus.  He passed at 7:05 a.m. and my camera showed the photo was taken at 7:08 a.m.  I just love the gentle reminders that God gives us as an assurance He hears our prayers and loves us.

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